The State Budget of Ukraine for 2020 Plans the Largest Expenditures on Tourism in the History of Independence

The State Budget of Ukraine for 2020 Plans the Largest Expenditures on Tourism in the History of Independence

Reforms in the tourism industry are ongoing. The State Budget project for 2020 envisages UAH 940M for tourism development including UAH 240M directly for the industry and UAH 500M for the youth mobility program. According to experts, it is much more than it was before – in dollar equivalent the largest tourism budget of the country was $ 5 million in 2003, which is almost twice less than planned for next year.

According to the Chairman of the Association of the Hotel Industry of Ukraine Oleksandr Liev, the government plans to invest these funds in the development of domestic tourism, creation of tourist infrastructure, promotion of our tourist products in the world, helping to train the tourist business, improving the level of service in Ukraine and conducting quality analytics. The government also plans to create a central executive body that will oversee the hospitality industry and promote tourism in the world. The form of such a body is a State Agency.

West Cherkaschyna TC President Oleksandr Fainin participates in consultations and planning on tourism development in the Subcommittee on Tourism and Resorts of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Humanitarian and Information Policy with the participation of Dmytro Nalyotov, the head of the subcommittee, as well as representatives of the Humanitarian Ministry will begin its work from January 2020. Mr. Fainin, supported by the Head of the Federation of Employers in the Tourism Industry of Ukraine, Tetyana Tymoshenko, stressed that the cluster principle under the ETIS program and agreements signed by Ukraine as an associate member of the EU should be based on the strategy for the development of the tourism industry in Ukraine.

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