Balloon Festival Took Place in Uman

Yesterday annual Air Ballooning Festival “Montgolfieria. Prosperous country” ended in Uman.  The event was attended by airmen from Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. The festival had pleasant surprises – first, Ruslan Shvedovich set the record of Belarus for conquering the highest altitude (3056 m). And, secondly, the record of Ukraine of…

Anna Romanova presented “21 Steps Toward a Strong Tourism Industry”

On August 27, 2019, at the Verkhovna Rada Committees, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Tourism, Resorts and Recreation, Anna Romanova, completed her deputy cadence with the presentation of the vision “21 Steps Towards a Strong Tourism Industry”. During the presentation, the participants learned about the state of the tourism…

The West Cherkaschyna Tourist Cluster’s President Participated in the Poltava Tourism Forum

Yesterday at the suburban hotel “Verholy Relax Park” the Poltava Tourism Forum was held. The event was organized by the Dnipro Chamber of Commerce and Industry by the EBRD support: Small Business Consultations in Ukraine under the # EU4Business Initiative of the European Union. The Forum was attended by representatives…